
Apollo.io Integration

Tuesday integrates with Apollo.io sequences natively. You can use Tuesday to generate personalized outreach messages (e.g. create custom fields such as {{Email Subject}} and {{Email Message}} or even {{email_1}}, {{email_2}}, {{email_3}}) and send those messages automatically with an Apollo sequence.
This means you can:
✅ Generate personalized messages at scale
✅ Automatically deliver messages using Apollo
✅ View campaign stats (open rate, click rate, reply rate, bounce rate etc.) in Apollo
✅ Receive, view and reply to emails in your inbox

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How to setup Tuesday<>Apollo.io integration

From Tuesday:
  1. Open the worksheet which contains the email messages you want to send to Apollo
  1. Ensure that the worksheet contains an Email column that specifies each recipient’s email address (required)
  1. Create a new Apollo (Add to Campaign) column in your worksheet
  1. (If this is the first time you’re setting this up) Add an Apollo account by pasting your Apollo API key (here’s how)
From Apollo.io:
  1. Setup an outreach sequence with automated email steps (at least one step is required)
  1. For the email subject, enter a fixed subject line, or use {{Email Subject}} (the field name inside the brackets should match the column name in Tuesday that you want to use)
  1. For the email body, enter a fixed message, or use {{Email Message}} (the field name inside the brackets should match the column name in Tuesday that you want to use)
  1. Save your changes
From Tuesday:
  1. Continue to configure this Apollo column you’ve added by selecting the campaign (aka sequence) name
  1. For Email field, select the column containing your contact’s email address
  1. For LinkedIn URL field, select the LinkedIn URL field
  1. For custom fields, make sure to select all the custom field columns you want to use (e.g. Email Subject, Email Message or if you have defined your own variables such as email_1, email_2, etc.)
  1. Save your changes to apply this to all rows
Once you save your changes, Tuesday will start adding these contacts to Apollo for all rows in the current worksheet.

Rate Limits

By default, Apollo API has rate limits as to how many requests can be made per hour. If you are adding 1,000s of requests, those that have exceeded rate limits will be queued to retry until later.
This means you don’t have to worry about it - Tuesday will schedule the task to finish when the rate limit has reset.